Become a supporter:

Your donation helps 

the FB Group 

& Sunday LiveCoaching 

be the best they can be. 

2024 Hall of Fame:

Christophe Rouchy

Denis Derycke

Erik Assum

Evgeny Nisenboim

Gergely Szantho

Geoff Hautman

Jörg Seeberg

Juerg Ehrensperger

Mat Gould

Ragnar Lindholm

Roland Lucas

Samuli Hamalainen

Tomasz Czuba


  • Exclusive access to private whatsapp coaching group and regular zoom call. 

  • Support the FB community and Live Coaching.

  • 93$ per month. 


  • Exclusive access to private whatsapp coaching group and regular zoom call. 

  • Support the FB community and Live Coaching.

  • 21$ per month. 


11$ per month =

$2.75 per LiveCoaching.


5$ per month =

$1.25 per LiveCoaching.

One time donation:

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